Translate The Name Sherlock Holmes Into Chinese


In general, most of the translation of foreign names in Chinese is to use transliteration, that is, to determine the translation according to the pronunciation. Initially, different translators had different translations of names before they had norms and standards. Until 30 years ago, China published a monograph that unified the translation of names. However, it is not limited to this. Some long-term and widely used translation names are still used. When necessary, the differences can be used to provide readers with the preferred translation names.

The translation of the tool "Translate My Name to Chinese" provided by ChineseNameTools is derived from the April 2007 edition of "Names of the World's Peoples--A Comprehensive Dictionary of Names in Roman-Chinese".

A recent article "Who gave Sherlock Holmes a 'lucky' Chinese name?" detailed description of the origin of Sherlock Holmes Chinese translation. Careful depiction of a very interesting evolution, including the translator's introduction, the insertion of old photos of very old books of very historical significance. It can enhance the understanding of Chinese character culture and increase the knowledge of Chinese history.

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