Recommend Chinese Boy Names Which Are Suitable For The Year Of The Rat In 2020


Rats are ranked first in the Chinese zodiac. Although they are small, they can bear the brunt, and the boys born in the year of the rat are cheerful, optimistic, and very talented. What is the right name for a boy to match their characteristics? Many parents think about this day and night. Here are some recommended names for male babies born in the year of the rat. Let's take a look.

Domineering baby boy names


The character "凌" comes from the idiom "壮志凌云," describing the grand and ambitious ideal. The word in boy's name shows his enterprising spirit and dare to struggle, and it sounds domineering; "骁" is the uncommonly used word, but it shows the boy's sense of wisdom and courage and strength.


The word "景" comes from the poem "返景入深林,复照青苔上." The original meaning refers to the scenery of the environment. It is used as a boy's name to indicate the smoothness of life and has a great future; The character "皓" comes from the poem "垆边人似月,皓腕凝双雪," which initially refers to the light of the world when the sun comes out. It is used in the name to show the meaning of the boy's lively and cheerful, energetic. This name sounds very lovely and is suitable for the characteristics of boys.


The word "焱" comes from the poem "旧游成梦寐,往事随阳焱." It consists of three fire (火) characters, which include highlighted the domineering feeling from the glyph. Used as a boy's name has a bright and splendid meaning; The original meaning of the word "辉" refers to the shining brilliance, which means brilliance and success used in the name.

The sunshine names for baby boys who were born in the year of the rat


逸: It comes from the idiom "卓越俊逸", which means that the talent is more than ordinary people. The word "逸" is used in the name to hope that the child will live a comfortable life in the future.

阳: The meaning of this word is visible, which means that the child has a sunny, lively, and cheerful personality, and it is also very convenient to write, which is more suitable for the characteristics of boys.


乐: Selected from the poem "乐只君子,福履绥之," the simplest and clearest meaning of the word "乐" is happiness, but also refers to the meaning of tranquility and happy mood.


晟: The source verse "天为万人生李晟,朋来三寿颂僖公," the original meaning is prosperous, prosperous, and bright. It is used as a positive and optimistic character in the boy's name and also hopes that they have a bright future—the right meaning for a prosperous career.

More nice names for baby boys

涛诚 轩云 康言 奕俊 仁信 成越

胜翔 轩鸥 明辰 轩哲 思鸿 硕啸

柏威 慕阳 浩鹤 晓政 伦天 晨博

翔凯 珏圣 天堇 颜瑾 惠勤 卓祥

仟熙 浩炜 鸿曦 新拓 团澈 祺鑫

文浩 灏轩 浩云 江正 睿宁 鹭剑

旭运 涓辉 天明 硕堇 伟敏 耘尚

轩才 弘康 永卓 博洪 孝泽 启啸

南天 济中 俊亦 泽茂 铭毅 昊康

凯怡 浩鸿 锦伟 宇琛 昌宏 驰朴

辰诺 俊章 宇成 翰晟 昱铭 远耐

哲信 弈文 棋正 青斌 昱彭 如天