Girls Name Frequently Used Words And Analysis


倩雪:It is the former snow, which is the cute princess born in the snow.

玉珍:It is as beautiful as jade, and pearl is like it.



梦洁:A dreamlike girl, kind and pure.

依娜:There is an Italian style, and Na generally means that the girl is beautiful and graceful.

美莲:Beautiful like a lotus flower, there is also a noble quality that is not stained with mud.

昭雪:昭: full of energy, is a sunny girl. 雪: May she be as pure and beautiful as snow.

嫦曦:It has a peerless beauty and looks like a morning glory.


雅静:Elegant and quiet.

雅芙:Elegant, like a hibiscus.

若雨:Like rain, poetry is beautiful.

婧琪:婧:The woman has talent; 琪:Jade.

歆婷:歆:Happy; 婷:Beautiful.

欢馨:Happy, living with your family is very warm.

彤萱:彤:Red 萱:A grass that forgets the worry.

婵娟:It is beautiful, and gentler than moonlight.

静香:Beautiful, elegant, and fierce.

美莲:Beautiful like a lotus flower, there is also a noble quality that is not stained with mud.

晟楠:晟:shining; 楠:sturdy 。

凌薇:The momentum and vitality are all Ling, Wei, I wish she will become a generation of celebrities in the future.


美琳:beautiful, kind, lively.

梓晴:optimistic, cheerful.

雪怡:雪: Snow; 怡: Happy.

婧琪:婧:The woman has talent; 琪:Jade.

可岚:岚:The fog in the mountains in the morning.

雪茹:As pure as snow, kind.

彦歆:彦:Ancient refers to those who have the ability to learn to have virtue. 歆:happy。

宛芳:The name comes from a poem of Tang Dynasty.

妍姿:The name comes from the poems of the Northern Song Dynasty.

思云:Missing clouds.

南絮:The name comes from the poems of Song Dynasty.

语晖:The radiance of the sun.



荷风: Summer lotus pond wind.

舒苒:Calm and relaxed, there is a sense of leisure and comfort; a quiet and beautiful feeling.

瑾辰:Gorgeous and elegant, happy and peaceful.

煜宁:It means bright and beautiful; the rhythm is harmonious, the atmosphere is loud, and the color is beautiful.

韶华:Beautiful and elegant, elegant and generous.

靓哲:Bright and noble, intelligent and ceremonial.

悦容:Looks beautiful and dignified.

韵珊:Graceful and elegant

唯晨:Morning dawn; full of hope and clarity.

晗睿:Smart and clear.

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