The Chinese character sa for Chinese girl names is: 飒
飒 (sà)
Original meaning: the sound of the wind; bleak; melancholy
Recommended names:
悦飒 诺飒 井飒 飒淼 飒玮 飒誓 飒铱 歆飒 飒欣 溢飒 岱飒 飒霖 飒婷 煜飒 瑾飒 飒琪 瑛飒 萌飒 翊飒 思飒 孜飒 维飒 沂飒 飒铄 逸飒 延飒 笑飒 景飒 楚飒 飒珉 天飒 飒华 芬飒 玄飒 今飒 琳飒 秋飒 巾飒 昱飒 洛飒 萧飒 飒嫡 英飒 夕飒 倚飒 寰飒 金飒 漩飒 心飒 盈飒 飒爽 丽飒 飒喜 飒潼 双飒 飒僮 敏飒 柠飒 娅飒 铱飒
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