Chinese Girl Names With Mao


Chinese girl names with mao, meaning and recommanded names.

The Chinese character mao for Chinese girl names is: 茂

茂 (mào)

Original meaning: thick, lush, dense; talented

Recommanded names:

芸茂 茂美 茂琴 茂萍 芳茂 茂怡 茂蓉 姒茂 茂薇 甜茂 茂念 茂汝 茂伶 韵茂 茂菊 枝茂 茂柔 茂倩 茂琼 茂梅 茂琪 茂莎 绿茂 茂菲 珮茂 茂莉 紫茂 茂娟 芃茂 雅茂 茂芳 茂香 宛茂 婉茂 琼茂 茂珍 茂玲 怡茂 茂卉 茂芬 茂姻 茂娥 惠茂 茂娇 茂琇 兰茂 茂丽 仪茂 茂茹 巧茂 茂芃 茂兰 采茂 妍茂 茂芸 茂雪 茂霞 茂莲 茉茂

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