Chinese Girl Names With Lei


Chinese girl names with lei, meaning and recommanded names.

The Chinese character lei for Chinese girl names is: 蕾、磊

蕾 (lěi)

Original meaning: buds, unopened flowers

Recommanded names:

洪蕾 蕾华 灏蕾 郡蕾 菇蕾 荭蕾 蕾池 蕾善 书蕾 兴蕾 依蕾 月蕾 蓓蕾 益蕾 怀蕾 夏蕾 蕊蕾 枝蕾 谊蕾 泓蕾 蕾琪 蕾好 虹蕾 君蕾 絮蕾 卿蕾 龚蕾 其蕾 郑蕾 雨蕾 畅蕾 纬蕾 蕾昕 蕾平 骁蕾 蕾苹 蕾锦 菁蕾 丛蕾 阳蕾 琦蕾 蕾仪 立蕾 博蕾 羽蕾 斯蕾 毕蕾 露蕾 蕾岚 弘蕾 初蕾 蕾旦 甜蕾 奕蕾 捕蕾 苞蕾 蕾菊 涵蕾 蕾懿 蕾迪

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磊 (lěi)

Original meaning: pile of rocks or stones; great

Recommanded names:

磊丽 芳磊 艳磊 骊磊 淑磊 磊燕 磊媛 芸磊 丽磊 磊婷 磊娟 雯磊 磊嫒 磊萍 霞磊 茹磊 婧磊 磊骊 素磊 瑕磊

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1 Comments for "Chinese girl names with lei"

  • T
    January 26, 2022

    This was really helpful thank you