Chinese Names For Girls From The Book Of Songs Ⅱ




Deyin(德音) - Chinese names for girls from the Book of Songs Ⅱ

In ancient times, beautiful music was often used as a metaphor for a person with high moral character. This name implies a noble character.



Suyi(素衣) - Chinese names for girls from the Book of Songs Ⅱ

"Suyi(素衣)" stands for a white shirt, and the name implies nobility, giving people a sense of elegance, art, and purity.


终风且霾 惠然肯来——《诗经·邶风·终风》

Huiran(惠然) - Chinese names for girls from the Book of Songs Ⅱ

"Huiran(惠然)" means friendly and harmonious.


岂弟君子 莫不令仪。——《诗经·小雅·湛露》

Lingyi(令仪) - Chinese names for girls from the Book of Songs Ⅱ

"Lingyi( 令仪)" appears many times in the Book of Songs, referring to elegant demeanor and good conduct.


倬彼云汉 昭回于天——《诗经·大雅·云汉》

Zhuoyun(倬云) - Chinese names for girls from the Book of Songs Ⅱ

"Zhuo(倬)" refers to significant, vast. Historian Xu Zhuoyun(许倬云)'s name is precisely these two characters.


之子于归 宜其家室——《诗经·周南·桃夭》

Ziyi(子宜) - Chinese names for girls from the Book of Songs Ⅱ

"Zhizi(子之)" refers to this girl; "Yi(宜)" refers to harmony. The artistic conception is beautiful when grouped.

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