Chinese boy names with pi, meaning and Recommended names.
The Chinese character pi for Chinese boy names is: 丕
丕 (pī)
Original meaning: great, grand, glorious, distinguished
Recommended names:
丕里 丕沪 丕明 丕模 怡丕 丕达 丕程 丕民 丕亮 丕金 丕叵 丕良 丕凯 丕松 丕谷 丕福 丕徐 丕贤 丕同 丕荣 丕喜 丕绩 丕红 紫丕 丕雄 丕军 丕丰 丕濂 丕海 丕吉 丕显 丕宝 丕凇 丕权 丕植 丕峰 丕全 丕玉
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