Chinese Boy Names With Leng


Chinese boy names with leng, meaning and recommanded names.

The Chinese character leng for Chinese boy names is: 棱

棱 (léng)

Original meaning: squared timber; angle, edge

Recommanded names:

棱曦 词棱 绍棱 嘉棱 正棱 华棱 禹棱 棱庚 棱超 煜棱 彦棱 梓棱 棱升 衍棱 棱煊 棱更 棱霄 棱榆 鑫棱 棱峰 海棱 棱棹 玮棱 野棱 肇棱 棱帆 小棱 于棱 洪棱 棱聪 积棱 锴棱 一棱 星棱 志棱 雨棱 子棱 钟棱 拯棱 郑棱 棱杰 棱柏 枕棱 良棱 炽棱 棱轩 棱根 棱赓

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