- The performance of the male baby is strong and strong.
Generally use the words "强、壮、健、力、高、伟、彪". Such as: 李永强、高健、李力、黄云高、刘伟、何彪 and so on.
- Performance of male baby character.
Generally, the words "仁、义、礼、智、信、德、诚、伦、孝、忠、良、勤、俭、廉、文、章、斌" are used. Such as: 黄植诚、周克勤、韩信、何宁义、陈振信、朱有德、宋廉 and so on.
- Express the ambition and ambition of the male baby.
Generally, the words "宏、登、大、杰、博、邦、国、举" are used. Such as: 彭国真、蒋振邦、杜予杰、李大为.
- Choose a word with a strong masculine color.
Expressing will and strength.
Such as: 坚、刚、牛、力、山、钧、柱、劲、舟、春、峰、浩、然、石、坚 and so on. Named as, 高大山、谢大海、林君雄、甘铁生、张天民、李大江、张石山 etc. These are masculine words.
- Choose to promote family glory and emphasize ethical wording.
These kinds of words are the most common for men. Such as: 马继祖、程孝先、宗敬先、年广嗣、汤绍箕、吕显祖、何光宗、孙念 祖、贾怡孙, etc. The Chinese like to be famous, and they have the following name. Such as: 马建国、李振国、冯兴国、郝爱民、于学忠、马连良、胡宝善、李宗仁、洪学智 、余克勤、吴克俭、杨惟义、李文信、王德茂、李书诚、杨勇、高尚德、刁富贵、汤念祖、吕奉先、何光宗、冷德友、安怡孙、贾德善、蔡德霖、关仁、郑义, etc.
- Choose a word that indicates auspicious, sulph, and harbinger careers.
Can be named: 赵大华、赵进喜、赵德荣、赵德茂、钱汉祥、钱运高、钱生禄、孙寿 康、孙应吉、孙顺达、李秉贵、李厚福、李开富、王子久、刘永生、刘宝瑞、关玉和、王仁兴、李际泰、罗元发、刘造时、刘乃超、刘长胜、张成基、张国柱、张志远、张广才、吕德榜、吕文达、吴家栋、吴国梁、吴立功, etc.
- Expressing the bold and strong character and masculinity of the male baby.
Generally, the names of "勇、猛、刚、坚、毅、韧、豪、雄、英、俊" are used. Such as: 薛刚、方毅、马胜利、李直、朱为雄、李国豪 and so on.
- The performance of the male baby to inherit the father's business, the desire to pass on the family.
Generally, the names of "祖、宗、先、昌、根、柱、世" are used. Such as: 李耀先、张宗昌、郭继先、沈继祖 and so on.
- Performance is safe and auspicious, rich and healthy. Generally, the names of "福、禄、贵、寿、财、禧、康、年、安、祥、乎、吉、瑞" are used. Such as: 包三福、高富贵、李有财、安祥、冯永瑞、郭小平、张少康、郑延寿 and so on.
- Named after a geographical noun.
Named after the words "江、山、湖、海", such as: 黄沧海、农阳山、范长江 and so on. Named by geographical location, such as: 张继北、黄振中. Named after “宇” and “寰”, which means “big”, such as: 梁宇、陈振寰, etc.